About Me

Digital sculpture blog Sculptor working with digital fabrication using 3D modeling, laser cutting and 3D printing.


3D-printing my first sculpture

Posted by satu-minna suorajärvi on Thursday, October 16, 2014 In : 3D-printing 

My 3D-printing experience is growing and I try printing very thin objects of PLA. Sticking to the heated bed is still somewhat problematic. I am planning to 3D-print quite a big object and gluing parts together.

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Today I started as a 3D-printer

Posted by satu-minna suorajärvi on Thursday, October 16, 2014 In : 3D-printing 


Today I started as a 3D-printer. I am a total beginner.  My machine is Minifactory with maximum print size 150mm x 150mm x 150mm. It has a strong metal chassis, so it seem quite durable and stable. First sounds are so robotic. But 3D-printing doesn't come easy. 

First job installing Repetier Host firmware  to my Modbook takes quite amount of my precious time. But finally I get decent G-Codes. Then I start warming up  my MF and try to get PLA filament through nozzle. The filament tries ...

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About Me

Satu-Minna Suorajärvi is sculptor and 3D designer from Helsinki, Finland. She is combining digital art with old traditions of sculpture bravely renewing them.



